Our Products

Traditional Self-funded

We offer traditional self-funded plans, where employers collaborate with BPA to design a tailored benefits offering that meets their unique needs.

The experts at BPA administer self-funded plans as intended, transparent and easy. There is no need to complicate what has been proven to be the simplest way of providing employees with a quality Health Benefit Plan. BPA's Smart Data Analytics provides vital information needed to measure your plan's performance. By unbundling the services that traditional insurance providers lump together, we help you reduce cost while offering a more comprehensive benefits package. We work with the broker and client to develop a clear understanding of their unique needs. Allowing us to design customized solutions, BPA's comprehensive plan administration includes:

  • Compliance: ERISA, ACA, SPD, & SBC
  • Strategic Plan Development
  • Risk Management, Reinsurance
  • Transplant Policy Carve-Out
  • Cost Containment
  • Employee Education
  • Wellness Program Development
  • Claims Settlement

BPA has helped businesses of every size make the switch to self-funded health plans. We work with each client to design unique, flexible programs that provide an average savings of 20% when compared to traditional plans. Here's how:

  • Self-funded health plans are not subject to state premium taxes.
  • No more unnecessary pre-payments; claims are paid as they're incurred.
  • Self-funded health plans are exempt from state mandated benefits that drive up costs.
  • Benefit design can be tailored to suit each employer's budget and workforce.
  • Self-funded health plans offer the option of coverage uniformity to employers with multistate operations.
  • You no longer have to pay premiums to help subsidize your insurance company's sickest members, overhead costs and profits.
  • Self-funded health plans allow each employer to choose the most efficient and cost-effective method of plan administration.


Transparency in Coverage

Ensuring members receive the care they need at a fair price.

